Well, we now have one. Printing Impressions brings us a video introducing this development in the shape of an interview of Ford Bowers, CEO of PRINTING United Alliance. There are currently four caucus members, two of whom have run printing companies in their pre-Congressional life, and they will be beating the bushes to come up with other members. The new Congressional Printing Caucus is announced here, and Printing Impressions continues to puff it here.

Now of course this doesn’t have too much bearing on the book printing business, a tiny segment of the print industry. This may be seen by the listing of buttons for different categories on the PRINTING United Alliance website — Apparel Decoration; Commercial Printing; Digital Packaging; Digital Textile; Educators and Students; Graphics Production; Industrial Applications & Printed Electronics; Installation PDAA*; Women in Print. No mention of book making.

Issues to be worked on by the caucus include workforce development, as well as anticipating and directing legislation. Site-visits by legislators are anticipated to increase awareness of the importance of the print business. Of course at the end of the day, these things are all about money: maybe it’ll work.


* Professional Decal Application Association, it would seem.