Apparently, under a law mercifully blocked thus far in the law courts, a librarian in Arkansas could have been sentenced to up to six years in jail for allowing a minor to take out an obscene book. Arkansas’ definition of obscenity is wide and could include a passage which “describes” nudity. This makes the job of librarian hazardous. And exhausting — presumably you have to read every book in the library just to be sure there are no descriptions of people without clothing!

According to Publishers Weekly Alabama’s also the scene of legal action designed to counter restriction of choice in your library. And it keeps on going. Vanity Fair tells us that there are seventeen states considering bills which could land librarians in jail. (Link via Technology · Innovation · Publishing). SLJ has a similar story if you can’t get to the Vanity Fair one.

We are used to clicking our teeth and tut-tutting when the Chinese government incarcerates publishers. Beware. Motes and beams?